Podcast: "The Way" through The Sacred Gap (Part 4), Ep. 24

Podcast: "The Way" through The Sacred Gap (Part 4), Ep. 24

The Process of Healing (Unlearning and Relearning)

The more we understand Jesus' invitation for the Kingdom life, the more compelling it is. Listen in as Tyler and Aric continue to explore Jesus' compelling vision for Kingdom life through his opening words of his Sermon on the Mount. As we discussed in our previous series, he offers a promise of healing and transformation that frees us from our shadow stories into lives lived more and more fully in the true story and the Kingdom realities that you are loved, you belong, you are chosen, and you have nothing to prove. The difference between those two realities is what we have called The Sacred Gap and once that gap becomes clear, so does an obvious question: "How do I get through that gap?" Well, it turns out there is an answer. The early Kingdom communities of Jesus' apprentices, not coincidentally, referred to themselves as practitioners of "The Way." What "Way" is that? It is "The Way" that Jesus himself taught in the greatest and most compelling sermon ever given.

In this podcast, we look at Jesus' next surprising revelation of "The Way." In Jesus' invitation to grieve with him, he offers a promise of comfort...comfort that is a first taste of the healing we all need. It is the start of a lifelong process of healing that takes us into the "training circle" with Jesus to unlearn the life of self-rescue and re-learn life as a fathered son or fathered daughter. It is in that training circle that we learn to live as Jesus did and to learn what he taught and modeled...a strength that is very difficult to describe. A power that flies in the face of our conventional wisdom and understanding of power and authority. It is a strength that can only come from deep within...a strength that, as Jesus teaches, is found only in those who have learned what it is to be unimportant and, at the same time, be more than okay. It is a teaching that is surprising, difficult, and takes us into our deepest fears and worries.

Listen in as Tyler and Aric share their stories with this healing process and explore the relevance of this teaching in our sacred responsibilities of parenthood.

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