Podcast - What Story Are You Living? (Part 8) Know Your Enemy (Messages and Agreements)

Listen in as Aric and Pete conclude the series What Story Are You Living?
We have come a long way and in this final discussion, we build on the idea of divine rebellion. As we have discussed, the experience of the true story is something that is very opposed. Which means we have to learn to fight an enemy who is relentlessly on the prowl to steal, kill, and destroy and keep us stuck in our shadow stories. Resistance, then, is essential in this journey of healing and transformation. However, as good as it is to learn to resist, there is one more idea that actually opens the door to taking the fight to our enemy...to launch an offensive in the fight for our hearts and the promise of living out of the true story. Let's get to know our enemy even more as we look at how he seizes on key moments of vulnerability in our lives to tailor his lies to our story. He does this through messages that paint a skewed picture of reality that feels very very real, and he leverages those messages to get what he ultimately wants...agreement with him. We can do so much more than resist. The good news about agreements is that, because of Jesus, they can be broken. In this hopeful finale, Pete and Aric share their own experiences in how to turn the tables and take the fight to our enemy.
Contact Aric and learn more about The Intentional Dad at www.theintentionaldad.org
Learn more about True Pursuit or contact Pete at www.truepursuit.org