Episode 8: New Year ReVolution: Stories of Apprenticeship - The Gift of Limitations

Episode 8: New Year ReVolution: Stories of Apprenticeship - The Gift of Limitations

Join Aric as he invites you into so much more than a resolution at the dawn of 2023...a pursuit of something much deeper and more profound: a revolution. Listen to the first podcast of 2023 to learn more and then bring your family along for the adventure as we share stories of apprenticeship with Jesus together. (Click here if the embedded player is not visible above.)

In this episode, Aric casts a vision for the New Year and invites you and your family into a year of transformational growth; a journey shared through stories of life with Jesus. We kick off the 2023 Revolution with a story from Aric's brother Tyler and how God fathered him through a difficult day with his then 2.5 year old son...circumstances that brought him face to face with the difficult truth of limitations which led to a powerful moment of growth and transformation for him as a father.

Ready to join the discussion? Consider becoming a paid member of The Intentional Dad community. Go to theintentionaldad.org and click on membership to learn more. Swordsman level memberships and above gain access to Discord, a platform we use for ongoing private conversation. If you have questions or things you would like to explore further, you can access Discord and a thread titled "I have questions." There will also be other threads for you to engage with other men and families on a journey to embrace and fulfill the promise of fatherhood. We would be honored to have you connect with us that way.

Disclaimer: The story Tyler has to share is about an injury to his young son. It is necessary for him to give details of the injury in order to tell the whole story. There is nothing gratuitous but there are descriptions of an injury in the podcast that you we wanted you to be aware of before listening.