I am a father of three children. Vocationally, my background includes, among other things, a Master’s degree in theological studies, six years of experience in elementary education, as well as years of ministry experience (vocationally and non-vocationally). However, the biggest thing I have to offer through The Intentional Dad is my decade plus of experiences shepherding my family through this process and a desire for other men to experience the same indescribable joy for their families as we have known for ours. I look forward to hearing your fatherhood story and learning how I can help.

Is coaching right for you?

Coaching is one-on-one interaction built around your individual needs. It is for those who are looking for more. The journey of intentional parenthood is long and, at times, difficult. Sometimes you need someone else to come alongside you to go deeper, gain better understanding of your story, and be more equipped to lead and love your family well. I offer years of experience in pastoral counsel, spiritual guidance, and my own life experience as a father, husband, and apprentice of Jesus to help you:

  • Understand and embrace your true identity.
  • Walk intimately with God as a beloved son/daughter.
  • Find your way forward into God’s promise of healing and transformation.
  • Learn to live emotionally healthy.
  • Foster healthy intimate relationships with your spouse and kids built on trust and mutual respect.
  • Cultivate an environment for your family to thrive spiritually and relationally.
  • Learn to offer your good fathers heart…good mothers heart…to your spouse, your kids, and your community.

The Intentional Dad Coaching is a deliberate, conversational, one-on-one process in which we will incorporate instruction, counsel, spiritual growth and direction as well as listening, healing, and intercessory prayer. You cannot give what you don't have. The healing, wholeness, and life you long to bestow to your children is something you must first learn for yourself. It is the life of the beloved. Through these sessions you will first learn to live as the beloved and, as you learn to be fathered, you will learn to father your children.

Face to face as well as phone and skype/facetime/zoom sessions are available.

Looking for something for both you and your spouse? We can talk about that too.

Schedule a free consultation:

What others are saying:

If you are ready to change yours and your kids lives then The Intentional Dad is your roadmap. You will never regret the journey you get to take and who you get to take it with. Aric has helped me understand how to invite my kids on a journey and pass on a legacy of intentional life with Jesus. I can think of nothing better!Ryan M.
I am thankful and at a loss of words for how effective and transforming my time with Aric has been. I remember before Aric and I started on our journey, my wife and I discussed if we could afford the time and the money that would be required. Now that we are on the back end of things, I can say with confidence that the real question is: can you afford not to? Aric lives his life with dignity and love and it shows in all he does and through the relationships he keeps. Though once it seemed he was merely a coach, Aric has turned into a life long friend and wise mentor of mine. The Intentional Dad is everything it’s promised to be and so much more.Zach G.
I have no doubt that you will gain wisdom and support through your journey of fatherhood alongside Aric. He holds himself confidently in his posture yet humbly in his conversations. His heart and passion are clear. His support and wisdom are easy to understand, so you won’t be left confused. You will be encouraged to walk intimately with God which will then in turn help you foster that relationship with your kids.Darcey B.
I’ve really enjoyed getting to know Aric and seeing his heart for helping others, especially dads. He is authentic and easy to be very open and honest with. He has never made me feel judged or like I need to pretend to be something I’m not. I appreciate that he tries to see my point of view and understand my feelings. He has really encouraged my son and shown him so much patience and kindness.Lindsey V.